Todo-lists vs. the creative habit

It happened to me on several occasions that I mixed up todo-list style working mode and creativity working mode, although every single time I was convinced that I did things the right way. In order to boost my creative output I have put several creative items on my daily todo-list and hoped that somehow getting things done and creativity would magically match. Not so! What happened, in fact, was that while checking off my todo-items I would postpone the creative items on the list. They would be postponed to the next day and then to next and so on. Since I have scheduled different creative endeavors on different days, you might already guess what happened. I got my regular tasks done but all the creative items kept piling up. Looking at this pile did not really inspire me to do anything creative at all. In fact, it scared me off. To conclude, during these experiments I haven’t achieved anything creative at all.

In the meantime, however, I have come up with a different strategy to get my regular things done and increase my creative output as well.

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Personal goals – do it yourself!

There is an old saying that if you want something done, then you have to do it yourself. Obviously this is one way to do it. And more and more I come to think of it as the one true way of doing it. Why?

If you do it yourself, or better, if you have to do it yourself, because you don’t get any help or the wrong kind of help, then you decide very quickly if you really want to have it or not. Because doing it, for most of the time, requires an enormous amount of will power and work. Therefore, you decide fairly quickly if you want to see your wish or dream come true or if you want to let it be just that – a wish. You will find out very quickly if you want to achieve it badly enough.

Now obviously this strategy does not work for everything. However for personal goals and fulfillment of dream projects I think this is a very good strategy to weed out cool projects from the ones which are not important. Additionally it helps you grow personally since you are managing and creating your dreams at every single step yourself. You become a mover and shaker. You do something with your life.

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